Effusive Floral Urn

Effusive Floral Urn

Effusive Floral Urn  As an invited artist, for the tenthyear under three different Mayors, to produce live plein-air paintingsduring the Mayors’ Rose Garden Party fundraiser, my eye caught thisvenerable, highly sculpted, stone urn with early pansies. The...
Bird’s Little Acre

Bird’s Little Acre

Bird’s Little Acre Riverside Pond, Jacksonville, FLA Jacksonville haven for winged creatures was alive with the squawking, fluttering, and flapping of many birds and waterfowl. The sandbar, the gnarled tree roots, the small fountain, the reflected water, the...
Canada’s Goose

Canada’s Goose

Canada’s Goose Roger Williams Park Zoo, RISketched from the many residents of Roger Williams Zoo in RI, this majestic bird was the vehicle for practicing composition, negative space, and free, efficient gestural strokes; for both feathers and water. Contact the...
Fallen Frond

Fallen Frond

Fallen Frond Queen’s Gate Park, AustraliaOne of four paintings completed in Queen’s Gate Park, the frond had fallen so nearby that the ground shook; and thereby attracted my attention enough to warrant this composition. Contact the Artist for Information...
Frank M. Costantino