Fountain Lions

Fountain Lions

Fountain Lions The sculpted base of the Lee Ether monument in Boston’s Public Garden, this granite segment of lion gargoyles back- splashed by the small fountains recalls the finest in civic monuments. A careful palette of low value and granulated colors was...
Harbor Fog Sculpture-RFK Greenway

Harbor Fog Sculpture-RFK Greenway

Harbor Fog Sculpture-RFK Greenway This unusual installation is an audio, visual and sensory experience along the Rose Kennedy pedestrian greensward through downtown Boston. The sculptor used salvaged granite blocks from the waterfront’s piers, buoy markers,...
Hommage de Printemps a Diana

Hommage de Printemps a Diana

Hommage de Printemps a Diana Situated in a museum’s Italianate garden setting, Diana of the Hunt is portrayed with her symbolic majesty against the textured immensity of live oaks. The statue’s restored surfaces present a remarkable profile of patterns, shades,...
Library’s Urn

Library’s Urn

Library’s Urn New York City, NYOn an exceptionally sunny, bustling, spring morning on Fifth Ave., the bright reflected light and unusual cast shadow on the Public Library’s classic urn were the inspirations for this seminar sketch demo.The shadow contours...
Bird’s Little Acre

Bird’s Little Acre

Bird’s Little Acre Riverside Pond, Jacksonville, FLA Jacksonville haven for winged creatures was alive with the squawking, fluttering, and flapping of many birds and waterfowl. The sandbar, the gnarled tree roots, the small fountain, the reflected water, the...