Splash On The Breakers

Splash On The Breakers

Splash On The Breakers This visual memory of a vigorous, pounding wave on one of “five-sister” breakers is simulating my visual recall of the surging ocean. Many residents enjoy the ocean’s powerful surging effects on and over these stone breakers....
Longfellow’s Sentinels

Longfellow’s Sentinels

Longfellow’s Sentinels Boston, MA Initially painted forthe Charles River Conservancy, this view of the iconic “salt & pepper”towers depicts Boston’s Longfellow Bridge, and the Esplanade’s Communitysail boat. A late afternoon’s...
Uphill Dory III

Uphill Dory III

Uphill Dory III WAITING ON NONNO After a fresh clam dinner during summer vacation, the residue shells became a painting subject. The delicate shadings and pearlescent quality of the shells’ surfaces were fascinating to observe and a challenge to capture in watercolor....
The Phyllis

The Phyllis

The Phyllis WAITING ON NONNO After a fresh clam dinner during summer vacation, the residue shells became a painting subject. The delicate shadings and pearlescent quality of the shells’ surfaces were fascinating to observe and a challenge to capture in watercolor....
Kayaks Off the Carpet

Kayaks Off the Carpet

Kayaks Off the Carpet Winthrop, MA Viewed from the hoist deck of the Cottage Park Yacht Club, two stored yellow kayaks, together with the bright red carpet and blue-green water, made a strong visual impact of primary colors. Equally compelling were the red and yellow...
Frank M. Costantino